Client: ITE Canada | 2023
ITE Canada is a District of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), an international membership association of transportation professionals who work to improve mobility and safety for all transportation system users and help build smart and livable communities. Uplift Engagement Communications (Uplift) was retained by ITE Canada to lead a Brand Strategy and Design effort that represented the District’s name change from CITE to ITE Canada. The exercise included developing a brand architecture and visual strategy to represent a cohesive ITE Canada, including all Section and Student Chapter branding from across Canada.
Uplift hosted virtual information workshops with a volunteer Brand Strategy + Design Review Committee and we met regularly to obtain input on preferred approaches, designs, and insight into needs and priorities.
Ultimately, a new ITE Canada logo was designed. The design respected the international ITE logo and included an effective design approach and use for all Canadian Sections and Student Chapters. Brand Guidelines provide clear guidance on logo use, colour, typography, and other elements for use in a variety of communications. Implementation of the new ITE Canada brand has encouraged Sections and Student Chapters to consider and take action including opportunities to engage their members and build community. The overall process reinforced the value that the District can provide to Sections and Student Chapters, ultimately strengthening relationships. Uplift is pleased to share that ITE Canada received the ITE International 2023 District Innovation Award for this Brand Strategy and Design, which was a key action of the CITE Strategic Communications and Implementation Plan, also completed by our team.