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Client: Bunt & Associates | City of Kamloops | 2023

The City of Kamloops continues to plan for the future; by 2039, it is anticipated that 120,000 people will call Kamloops home.

Kamloops’ Official Community Plan, KAMPLAN, includes several values aimed at ensuring that the city grows in a sustainable and healthy way, and parking management plays a key role in this.

The city identified a preliminary set of on and off-street parking issues in the Downtown and the Tranquille business corridor on the North Shore. Bunt & Associates, together with Allnorth Engineering, were retained to collect parking data in the study areas and to develop a comprehensive and effective Parking management study.

Uplift Engagement Communications (Uplift) worked with the technical team and the city as the lead engagement consultant helping to ensure that the parking-related concerns and aspirations of stakeholders and the public were fully considered.

The Stakeholder Engagement + Communications Plan required a robust approach to target several stakeholder groups and extended to all citizens. The project was put on hold just prior to the launch of the first round of engagement due to COVID-19.

Later upon notice to restart, our team was required to significantly modify the plan to take stakeholders and public participation fully online. The project was promoted through multiple channels, including mail distribution to 34,829 residents and 835 businesses, on-the-ground distribution, emails to City parking users, business and community Stakeholders, and via social media, radio, and print media.

Engagement included online stakeholder workshops and Public Information sessions for both the North Shore and Downtown. Additionally, we set up two public surveys and two Stakeholder Thought Consensus polls to further understand group consensus on the issues and opportunities. Feedback was analyzed with a Public Participation Summary Report completed. Uplift completed the editing, graphics, and publishing of the Draft report.

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